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Galindo Family Portraits

I love photographing families on their vacation here on Maui. The Galindo Family were a beautiful and fun group. So much laughter and joy during our shoot. I took them to Maluaka Beach in Makena to do the session. I love using the palms on the pathway and the beach is perfect for sunset images. It was the two daughters birthday celebration so I primarily focused on them. Lots of giggles bubbled out of those two. Especially the youngest.

If you're interested in doing your session on Maluaka Beach in Makena, you will not be disappointed.


  • Artwork inspired by Maui, Hawaii, Virginia, and Nature
  • Maui and Virginia inspired Art by Emily Farewell
  • Maui, Hawaii, and Virginia inspired acrylic and watercolor artwork by Emily Farewell

E . Farewell Artistic's

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